Vibhavari Kotte
XLNC Dance Studio, Charlotte, NC | October 30, 2022
The Margam:
Opens with Agajanana - used to open with the traditional natyarpana namaskaram, and praise of Lord Ganesha.
Todaya Mangalam
Ragam: Ragamalika; Talam: Talamalika
A traditional piece, praises lord Vishnu, and extolls His virtues in His various avataras.
Swagatham Krishna
Ragam: Mohana; Talam: Adi
A famous composition in praise of Lord Krishna, this piece highlights the beautiful raas-leela of the Brij-gopis.
Ragam: Kadanakuthuhalam, Talam: Adi
This thillana is a classic composition of M.Balamurali Krishna, rendered in Telugu. Set to an extremely lively ragam, this is a delight for any dancer.
Ragam: Sourashtra, Talam: Adi
Student will use this piece to thank Mothe Earth, the Almighty, Guru, and the audience for gracing this occasion and showering their blessings on her.