Arangetram (ɑːrʌŋgɛtrʌm)

Arangetram, literally meaning "ascending the stage," is a significant event in Bharatanatyam dancers' lives, symbolizing the end of their training and the beginning of their professional careers. The term combines Tamil words for stage and ascension. The ceremony involves rigorous training and practice, culminating in the dancer’s first formal performance. It begins with an invocation to Hindu deities, followed by a series of dance pieces showcasing the dancer's skills and proficiency in the Bharatanatyam style.

The performance demonstrates the dancer's mastery of various techniques, including expressions, hand gestures, footwork, and body movements, as well as their ability to convey emotions and stories to captivate the audience. The dancer also gains knowledge of dance history, particularly Natya Dharmi (dance-oriented) and LokaDharmi (life-oriented) aspects of Abhinaya, according to Natya Shashtra.

August 05, 2023

August 06, 2023

July 07, 2024